Your photographer is like a brief bestie—there to hype you up, crack a joke, place you in the most flattering light, free that little hair getting stuck in your eyelashes, and shoot your best angles. Hopefully this year that photographer will be me! So, if we’re going to be fast friends, let’s get to know each other.
First up, my love affair with wine. It began at a restaurant in San Francisco with a bottle of red at dinner—one sip, and my husband and I had an “oh!” moment that changed everything. Since then, wine has shaped our travels, our reading lists, our choice of restaurants, and even led us to pursue certification. Along the way, we’ve been lucky to taste some spectacular wines, including a 1963 Château Latour. We can’t wait to continue exploring later this year with a special birthday trip.
Next up, running! Running has long been a steady part of my life. It’s my time to clear my head and inadvertently location scout. 🙃  Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge was an unforgettable experience, but my favorite running moment came during the 2014 NYC Half when I had a sudden realization: I was ready to start a family with my husband. We now have three children together and I’ll always remember the stretch of Central Park where I felt the tug toward motherhood. 
On to my previous work! I knew I wanted to be a therapist since the sixth grade, all thanks to a Barnes & Noble gift certificate from my aunt. Wandering into the psychology section, I started pulling books off the shelves and sat down right there in the aisle, completely fascinated. That moment set me on a path to Columbia University, where I trained to be a psychotherapist before practicing in NYC.

I’ll wrap things up with some unrelated tidbits: I start every day with a cappuccino. I become my most extroverted self when talking about VPR/Bravo, Taylor, and wine. Escape rooms are my personal nightmare. And lastly, I love to bake, especially with peanut butter. Eating a fair share of the dough is a given.

That’s enough about me. How about we talk about YOU over pictures? Oh, thank you for asking, I just posted my spring availability and booking is available below. See you soon, BFF!